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Showing posts from May, 2020


By Oba Mike INTRODUCTION During their reproductive years (which begins from puberty), nonpregnant females normally exibit cyclical changes in the ovaries and uterus. These changes begin from menarche and terminates at menopause .  Each cycle takes about a month and involves both oogenesis and preparation of the uterus to receive the fertilized ovum. The changes that occur in the ovaries, form the ovarian cycle while the changes that occur in the uterus form the uterine or menstrual cycle. Both cycles are regulated by hormones secreted by the hypothalamus, anterior pituitary and ovaries. DURATION Both cycles take an average of 28 days. Some females have longer duration while others experience shorter duration. However, for descriptive purpose, we'll focus on a regular 28 day cycle. OVARIAN CYCLE Ovarian cycle above The ovarian cycle comprises the series of monthly changes that occur in the ovaries during the reproductive years of a nonpregnant woman. These changes can be grouped ...


Instructions Choose the  correct options and type appropriately in the comment section. No multiple entry.  If you wish to change your answer, delete the comment and retype. Goodluck. 1. The functional difference between the Ureter and Urethra is that? A. The ureter comes before the urethra. B. The urethra is longer than the ureter. C. The ureter drains the kidney while the urethra drains the bladder. D. The ureter is paired while the urethra is single. 2. In terms of location, the kidneys are? A. Retroperitoneal B. Bean shaped C. Pyramidal D. Abdomino-pelvic 3. The kidneys are paired structures situated in? A. Posterior Abdominal wall B. Anterior Abdominal wall C. Abdominal cavity D. Pelvic cavity. 4. Which of the following statements is incorrect? A. An increase in blood volume decreases blood pressure. B. An increase in blood volume inhibits renin secretion. C. Macula densa cells form part of the Juxtaglomerular apparatus (JGA). D. The parenchyma is formed by the renal cort...